Human-generated Waste

Concept Explanation

Human Generated Waste

Human-generated Waste: A thing which is of no use to us or which we throw away is called waste. Waste includes sewage and garbage. Used water and the waste materials produced by human bodies are carried away through underground pipes as sewage. Garbage refers to the solid household waste that we throw away regularly. For example, we are using more paper for newspapers, coupons, posters, and so on. This results in more waste paper. We are also buying more appliances, clothes, etc. Each of these comes with packing materials, which we are throwing out as waste.

Harmful Effects of Waste :

  • Soil contamination   is the number 1 problem caused by improper waste removal.Chemicals like plastic in the landfills can release harmful chemicals which can cause cancer.
  • Air contamination: It occurs due to burning of chemical waste like plastics, electronic items etc. These wastes release  pollutants which can harm our ozone layer and make air unfit for breathing.
  • Water contamination:  Wasteful substances like industrial waste, plastics and other chemicals when released in to the water bodies without any prior treatment  results in  making  water unfit for consumption and lowers the rate of survival of aquatic organisms.
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    Sample Questions
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    Right Option : D
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    Right Option : D
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    Question : 3

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    Right Option : D
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